Domestic Helper Insurance - SmartHelper Plus

Domestic Helper Insured, Family Assured

1-Year or 2-Year Policy for Foreign Domestic Helper Comprehensive Plan

Limited-time 10% off for lifetime

Product Highlight

Instant medical benefit with no excess

We have waived the waiting period, so your helper’s medical benefit will take effect with...

Covering cancer, and allowing for top up

While our caring medical benefit covers cancer and critical illness, you may also top up...

Subsidy to replace your helper

Market leading coverage for extra expense to hire, in case of a helper leaving without notice...

Protection for your loans from you to your helper

Protection for loans from you to your helper, which cannot be repaid in case of repatriation...

Worry free regarding personal liability

With us, you are protected against legal liability from your domestic helper, in case of negligence...

The right protection

Up to HKD100,000,000 coverage on Employees’ Compensation protects your legal liability as...

Dishonesty Protection

Protection from financial loss due to fraud or dishonest acts, and the cost of replacing your lock...

Benefit & Coverage


SmartHelper Plus – Product Brochure (Foreign Domestic Helper)
933.8 KB
SmartHelper Plus – Policy Wording
933.8 KB

How To Claim

How can I make a claim?

Making a claim is simple and easy – download our “Emma by AXA” app to submit your claim digitally. Most claims can be processed within 7 working days.

What do I have to prepare?

Please provide medical receipts and all relevant medical reports, if applicable. We may request for additional documents/information upon receipt of documents, when necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions (Foreign Domestic Helper)

The following information is for reference only and not a complete description of the applicable terms and conditions. For details terms and conditions of all benefits and exclusions, please refer to the Policy Wording.

Q1: Why is the employer required to buy insurance for the helper?
Q2: What is the maximum number of foreign domestic helper covered under one single application?
Q1: Any requirement on Helper for applying this SmartHelper Plus Insurance plan?
Q2: Can I apply SmartHelper Plus Insurance for a foreign domestic helper who are under employment contract with my family members?
Q1: Will I have protection if I need my helper to travel together with me on my leisure trip for taking care of my family?
Q2: Is there any waiting period for medical related coverages?
Q3: Will there be cancer related medical cover under SmartHelper Plus Insurance Plan?
Q4: Will SmartHelper Plus Insurance cover my liability to medical expense and repatriation expense due to the result of bodily injury or sickness of my foreign domestic helper sustained during his/her “day off” in Hong Kong?
Q1: Can I cancel my SmartHelper Plus Insurance policy?
Q2: How can I renew my SmartHelper Plus Insurance policy?
Q3: What should I do if I replace/dismiss/add foreign domestic helper?

Help Center