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Get 1st year premium 20% off + 2nd year 15% off +HKD 250 Wellcome Supermarket Voucher Offers*(For Plans 3 – 4 only)

(Exclusive offer) Extra Supermarket Voucher* for PayMe customers
*Supermarket Voucher shall only be used in all stores of Wellcome, Market Place, Market Place by Jasons, 3hreesixty and Oliver’s The Delicatessen in Hong Kong

Limited time offer till 16 May 2025. T&Cs apply

Get 1st year premium 20% off + 2nd year 15% off +HKD 250 Wellcome Supermarket Voucher Offers*(For Plans 3 – 4 only)

(Exclusive offer) Extra Supermarket Voucher* for PayMe customers
*Supermarket Voucher shall only be used in all stores of Wellcome, Market Place, Market Place by Jasons, 3hreesixty and Oliver’s The Delicatessen in Hong Kong

Limited time offer till 16 May 2025. T&Cs apply

Insured Identity
Owner (Non-renting out)
Landlord (Renting out)
Occupier/ Tenant
Sq. feet
1. Please visit any HSBC branch for details for your Home with floor area over 1,500 sq. feet
2. Policyholder must be the holder of the payment HSBC Visa / MasterCard issued in Hong Kong
3. The applicant must be a Hong Kong identity card holder, aged 18 or above, in Hong Kong SAR when applying for this insurance.
** Floor area includes the saleable area, terrace, forecourt, backyard and/or roof of the Home. The term "saleable area" has the meaning assigned to it in the Residential Properties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance, Chapter 621 of Laws of Hong Kong


Home contents for up to HKD 2million

Personal liability for you and your family of up to HKD20 million

Alternative accommodation for up to HKD2,000 per day, as a result of typhoon signal no. 8 or above/black rainstorm leading to electricity or water supply suspension for 24 hours at your home (Applicable to Plan 1, 2, 3 and 4)

24-hour home assistance service hotline for cashless emergency inspection service

Worldwide protection for your belongings, even when you take them outside of home or travelling, of up to HKD30,000 (Plan 1, 2, 3 and 4)

New for old – replace damaged or lost items with a new one with similar value no deduction for wear and tear


Main Policy Exclusions

  • Loss or damage due to war risks, radioactive contamination or sonic bangs
  • Theft or malicious damage if your home is unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days
  • Theft in your home if any part is let
  • Loss of damage to spectacles, contact lenses, mobile phones, pagers, records, tapes, laser discs and the like
  • Theft from any unattended private motor vehicle unless all windows were securely closed and all the doors and the boot were locked
  • Properties contained in or on verandas, balconies, patios, terraces, forecourts, which are in the open generally
  • Fixtures and fittings put in by property developer and ex-property owner if Plan 1 is chosen
  • Excess applicable (The amount of each claim payable by you, for any loss or series of losses arising from one source or cause), please refer to benefits
* For details of all exclusions, please refer to Policy Wording.