If you wish to pay your premium for a foreign currency policy in Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), please refer to the table below for the latest exchange rates.
Currency | HKD Exchange Rate |
Chinese Yuan | |
Chinese Yuan | RMB 1 = HKD 1.07847 |
US Dollar | |
US Dollar | USD 1 = HKD 7.79061 |
Australian Dollar | |
Australian Dollar | AUD 1 = HKD 4.90953 |
Euro | |
Euro | EUR 1 = HKD 8.47486 |
Canadian Dollar | |
Canadian Dollar | CAD 1 = HKD 5.41303 |
Pound Sterling | |
Pound Sterling | GBP 1 = HKD 10.11231 |
Swiss Franc | |
Swiss Franc | CHF 1 = HKD 8.8445 |
New Zealand Dollar | |
New Zealand Dollar | NZD 1 = HKD 4.45396 |
Singapore Dollar | |
Singapore Dollar | SGD 1 = HKD 5.84649 |
Exchange rates are for reference only subject to updating by AXA Hong Kong in its sole discretion with reference to market benchmarks. Exchange rates are updated as of [14/03/2025]. Please use the exchange rate on your premium payment date.
For more information about payments, please visit our Payment Methods page.
If you wish to pay your premium for a foreign currency policy in Hong Kong Dollar (HKD), please refer to the table below for the latest exchange rates.
Exchange rates are for reference only subject to updating by AXA Hong Kong in its sole discretion with reference to market benchmarks. Exchange rates are updated as of [{{lastUpdated}}]. Please use the exchange rate on your premium payment date.
For more information about payments, please visit our Payment Methods page.